I want to dedicate this post to a few people; I can only hope the things that I write here will help these people feel not only recognized, but also appreciated, honored, and loved. If nothing but a sense of pride is taken from what is written in this post, I will know that my time was well spent.
A very serious and long lasting issue has spent a great deal of time floating some where in my mind over the past few weeks. I've thought about this topic for hours, and I seem to be struggling to find a suitable way to put the emotions I feel into words, but I have to try. I feel as though anything less than my best wouldn't mean anything or would fail to make a difference in the lives of these men and women so I simply hope my best will shine through. Let me give you a glimpse into where I am going with this...
I am the great-grandson, grandson, son, nephew, and friend of veterans, and currently enlisted service men and women of our great country. Each of them has served our country in times of war and sacrificed for the benefit of not only their loved ones, but each American and the rights we enjoy. They have experienced things that would make most of us shake with fear. Things that would make even the strongest people cry, or feel sick to the point of an inability to operate, and they have done so without the thought of benefitting only them selves, but rather for the benefit of everyone that they love.
I don't always agree with the reasons our county goes to war. I don't always agree with the self centered motives of the people up the chain. Yet it seems to me that in some situations, the people that command our forces are making enemies faster than the people who defend our county and carry out the orders that they are given, can pick up a gun. What I'm trying to say is this. I don't always support the war, but I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT THE PEOPLE THAT FIGHT IT!
When my father returned from vietnam after seeing things that I don't care to even imagine, he was welcomed home by protestors that spit on the men that fought, sacrificed and in 50,000 + cases DIED for the rights the people protesting were taking for granted. I try to put myself in his shoes and fail to grasp even 1% of what that would feel like. Can you imagine going through that? Could you honestly feel good about yourself when the people you served hated, or even despised you?
This is an ongoing problem that is in all honesty, completely and utterly disgusting. You might say, "but we have parades when they come home." or "I don't dislike them." The truth of the matter is some places have welcome home parades, and you might not feel that way.... but there are those that do feel that way, and they are making their voices heard much more often than those of us that support the men and women that serve us. So here is your call to action, your wake up call, your alarm clock or what ever you want to call it. Find the veterans in your life and let them know how you feel.
I will in almost complete certainty be joining my brothers and sisters who defend the rights I am entitled to daily within the year. And though I am not a veteran and have yet to serve my country I can only hope that this message comes across clearly. Never take a dislike of a national affair to a personal level, by taking that disagreement out on the men and women who have, and will fight for you and your rights. Whether you take your rights for all they are worth or not know that those rights came and continue to come at a price.
To my father, friends, family, and every man or woman that has or is serving this great country, I want you to know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed by me. I want you to know that I admire your courage and bravery. I look to you as an example. And even if I stand alone I stand with firmness, and with my arm to the square in honor of you. You are the backbone of this country and I'm thankful for all you have done for me and those I love. My brothers and sisters, I Salute you.
Couldn't agree more with you man. I support our troops 100%, but I wish the people in charge would be a little smarter about where they send them.
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